Cloud Technology — Why you should upgrade your skills now!

Data Engineering Academy
3 min readMay 3, 2021
Cloud Technology Skills

Organizations are increasingly using cloud computing for new initiatives or to replace legacy systems. What this means is that the spending that previously went to building and maintaining traditional IT solutions is being diverted to the cloud. The growing preference for cloud first and cloud smart services means that cloud adoption rates are growing at 20% CAGR. The only reason why this number isn’t higher is because of a global cloud technology skill shortage. Gartner attests that insufficient cloud skills is delaying half of enterprise IT migrations by 2 years!

In this post, are 5 reasons why you should jump on the proverbial bandwagon and start to upgrade your cloud skills.

Reason 1: —The Cloud Technology Market is Growing Fast

According to Gartner, cloud technology is one of the fastest growing segments of IT spend today. They predict that end-user cloud spend will grow at 18% in 2021 to over $300 billion. That number grows another 20% in 2022 to $360 billion. This trend will continue into the future! For anyone working in this space, it presents a huge market to tap into.

Reason 2: — Organizations are Becoming Cloud First

